Thursday, February 23, 2012

Freaking Out A Little Bit... A Lot Actually

I was planning to write a very different blog than this one this week, until I got an email about summer funding for courses. See I've been thinking that I would take some language courses this summer - and according to this email that's perfectly acceptable - but I have to fill out a form saying what I'm going to take by March 5th, indicating what course I'm going to take. No problem, right? I went online to check out the language course options for this summer and they are horrible. One intensive Latin class that sounds like it's for beginners, no Spanish, no Hebrew, a couple of French reading courses, no Arabic, no Italian, no Portuguese. Really? If summer is supposed to be about language study, why don't they offer it? I seriously think my old school (which is SUPPOSEDLY inferior to Wash U) has better options for it's graduate students. I'm going to have to talk with my advisor so I can understand what the heck I'm supposed to do now - maybe I should take the Latin, even though I'm not a beginner it certainly couldn't hurt. But I'm definitely freaking out - if I'm not taking anything, I'm not getting paid, and if I'm not getting paid - how the hell am I paying my bills exactly? And that's just the money part - what about the fact that I've been counting on doing language this summer? I feel seriously sick to my stomach right now... every time I turn around there's another surprise that I was far from prepared for and don't know how to handle. So... no positive point this week - hopefully next week I'll be able to list as a positive point that it all worked itself out, hopefully...

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