Friday, March 2, 2012

Should I TA in the Fall? Scared!

So I was freaking out last week, but thanks mostly to my blog I got a lot of help for other grad students here about my options and it's looking way better. I'm going to be taking Latin this summer, and after talking to the professor I can tell it's going to work out really well for me. Plus I won't lose my funding over the summer, so all's good. Thanks to everyone for their help!

I also got to meet with my peer mentor this week (yesterday actually) and she helped me figure a lot of things out. I think I have a better idea what I should be trying to do from semester to semester now. Best part though - she gave me some tips on how she does her reading and I think it's really going to help. I've struggled since day 1 with how to get through all the material and actually get what I'm supposed to out of it. I'm sure I'll have to make adjustments to fit me, but at least I have a better starting point than before.  So that's my next positive point (I have lost count) - I've gotten to know some really great people who are more than happy to help me if I just ask. I'm going to work harder to make sure I ask questions, instead of trying to figure everything out on my own. I don't want to be a burden or seem stupid all the time, but not taking advantage of all your resources is just stupid, right?

The next obstacle is figuring out the fall. The biggest decision - will I TA? I really don't know, but I have to decide by Friday of next week. EEEK. Honestly, the idea of it terrifies me. I don't have a lot of confidence in my abilities here yet, so I'm scared that the fall might be too soon. Technically as a Chancellor's Fellow I'm not required to TA, but I know that would be a bad move. I need the experience, plus it extends my funding out 1 year. And I don't want to put it off too long... I'm just not sure that I'm ready. The undergraduate classes are setup different here than back at UTA, so I'll be dealing with another new environment. If I just new exactly what's expected of me it might be easier to decide, but from what I understand every professor is different. Time to do some soul searching - if anyone has any advice, I'm glad to have it!

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