Thursday, February 23, 2012

Freaking Out A Little Bit... A Lot Actually

I was planning to write a very different blog than this one this week, until I got an email about summer funding for courses. See I've been thinking that I would take some language courses this summer - and according to this email that's perfectly acceptable - but I have to fill out a form saying what I'm going to take by March 5th, indicating what course I'm going to take. No problem, right? I went online to check out the language course options for this summer and they are horrible. One intensive Latin class that sounds like it's for beginners, no Spanish, no Hebrew, a couple of French reading courses, no Arabic, no Italian, no Portuguese. Really? If summer is supposed to be about language study, why don't they offer it? I seriously think my old school (which is SUPPOSEDLY inferior to Wash U) has better options for it's graduate students. I'm going to have to talk with my advisor so I can understand what the heck I'm supposed to do now - maybe I should take the Latin, even though I'm not a beginner it certainly couldn't hurt. But I'm definitely freaking out - if I'm not taking anything, I'm not getting paid, and if I'm not getting paid - how the hell am I paying my bills exactly? And that's just the money part - what about the fact that I've been counting on doing language this summer? I feel seriously sick to my stomach right now... every time I turn around there's another surprise that I was far from prepared for and don't know how to handle. So... no positive point this week - hopefully next week I'll be able to list as a positive point that it all worked itself out, hopefully...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On the right track? (and PP#6)

Right now I'm feeling very conflicted. In some ways this semester is going much better - I know what I'm supposed to do and I don't feel near as anxious about my abilities. Yet, I can't help that feeling at the back of my head that reminds me that half the things I say are not as smart, thoughtful, insightful, etc as the others in my classes. I've told myself that this is a matter of training - they've got it and I don't. With some time I'll get where they are, right? But what if I don't? What if I'm not getting any better? As soon as I think I have something down, I find out that I was only getting lucky and don't really have it at all. The big question I find myself contemplating over and over - was this the right move? am I on the right track? Should I be pursuing something else? It's come to my mind a lot lately that I'd really like to be an adminstrator of a program that helps students, like McNair helped me. But is this the way to get there? I know my director back home has her PhD and teaches some classes at the university. So maybe it is. Anyway - I guess I'm just doubting everything right now. 

On the flip side, I feel like I'm getting to know people (even in my department!) a lot better than before. In the past couple of weeks I've found myself engaged in conversation, outside of class, with individuals longer than ever before. So I guess that's my next positive point - I have the opportunity to know new people every semester. Maybe I didn't mesh as well with people last semester, and still not in big groups, but this semester has given me the opportunity to get to know some different people and it's been so much better. 

I have a lot of work to do this week and I'm really trying to be better about motivation this week - so until next week's positive point- have a good week! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Procrastination (and PP#5)

I'm in serious procrastination mode. On the plus side I'm getting all kinds of other work done - yesterday we went to the store and got some things we really needed and hadn't bothered with. Today I think we'll go to goodwill and get an office chair if we can. And yesterday I finally unpacked the remaining boxes (you know the ones full of things that you don't REALLY need so they start to become pieces of furniture). There were still a few with things we won't unpack - so I put them up. We hung up pictures too - though we used this stuff that's not supposed to hurt the walls and now we have pictures falling randomly. So I called it quits and Sal is currently using nails. We'll just put get some putty for the holes and paint when we move in a couple years.

Anyway - all that is extremely productive, but has left me on Friday (at 1:30 in the afternoon too) with not one book even started for class next week. Yikes! I was doing so good - by this time last week I only had 1 book left to read. And not only do I need to get through these books, but I have end of semester projects to get started on. In one of my classes we have our research proposal due in less than 2 weeks and it's worth 25%. I've had moments of procrastination before, but this one is gonna make the rest of this weekend blow, because I really have to get this work done. Ugh!

On the positive side, this procrastination is sort of a good sign - I'm comfortable enough to procrastinate. Last semester, I had trouble with motivation for sure - but it was different - it was motivated by anxiety about the assignments, not pure procrastination. So I guess that's my positive point #5 - with time I'm getting more comfortable and confident, even if I'm not getting all that much better at doing my work. And now to stop procrastinating and do some of that reading...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Feeling Sunny (and PP#4)

The weather and my mood have been really sunny the last few days. I'm sure the weather has had something to do with my cheerful mood; I would never guess that it's February in Saint Louis right now - where's all that snow everyone warned me about? Not that I'm complaining - keep this beautiful weather coming! 

Besides the beautiful weather, this semester is just feeling so much better than last - despite my really rough start. For one, I don't feel as intimidated in my classes. Maybe that's because I made it through a semester and know I can do it. Maybe it's just the atmosphere in the classes. Maybe it's both. Regardless - not feeling intimidated goes a long way to my feeling good about class. Each class started with me knowing someone already, in fact two of my classes had two people I already knew in them. And in the two class sessions we've had so far, I've already started getting to know the other students and feeling comfortable around them. So that's a major plus for the semester. If I said that I felt entirely thrilled to have piles of reading to do and two discussions to lead next week, I'd be lying - but I'd also be lying if I said I was dreading my reading or classes. So I'm taking that as a major plus. 

I think one thing that's really helped is my weekly positive points, I find myself constantly thinking, "what will my next positive point be?" and it helps me stay positive. I knew I needed to change my frame of mind, but this seems to be the tool that works. For example, late last week I had a meeting that I went into feeling pretty good, but left feeling isolated. I am a loner - I really don't like getting together with people off campus that much - but I would like to feel comfortable with them on campus. Plus, I know it's mostly my fault, I'm just not good at striking up conversation or connecting with people here. But knowing that doesn't change that I felt uncomfortable and couldn't wait to get home. But, when I realized how down I was feeling, I started thinking, "how can I find a positive point in this?" I didn't find one - but trying to helped me not stay focused on how down I felt. 

I did come up with a PP #4 this week though - I really love most of what I'm assigned to read. This week all 3 of my assigned readings were really fascinating and filled with information I didn't know. I got sucked in and, if it weren't for the deadline, would have gotten lost in reading them. My only regret is that I have to read quickly to keep up with my assignments, but the exposure to so many new ideas and histories is really exciting! I know I wouldn't have had the opportunity to read so many new things (well new to me) if I had gone another route - so that's another reason I'm thankful I decided to come to graduate school!