Monday, December 19, 2011

The more things change... the more the stay the same

Why, after writing about 60 or so pages in the last week, do I feel inspired to write a blog?!? Perhaps it's the wonderful feeling of knowing that I'm done. I've just turned in my last paper and my first semester in graduate school is over. It's funny, this semester has been an overwhelming change for me thus far - yet these last few weeks have felt oddly familiar. The hours at the library identifying the best sources for my papers, the anxiety about how many more pages I still have left to write, and the stupidly finishing my final edits within hours of my final deadline... all those experiences are like the end of just about every semester I've ever had at school. Sure the number of pages I had to write expanded a bit, and my confidence after turning the papers in is significantly lower... but at least its semi-familiar ground. Funny how doing something familiar makes you feel like you can do it.

I'm hoping that familiarity will make next semester much easier - though the courses will be new - grad school no longer will be completely foreign to me. Of course, if I make As this semester my confidence will be much higher going into next semester than if I make Bs. Here' s hoping! Until I get those final reports, I think I'm just going to relax and try to forget that I'm still anxiously awaiting confirmation that I've successfully survived my first semester in graduate school! 

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