Thursday, May 26, 2011

I got a job! Yay!?!?

Trying to find a solution to my lack of funds for moving - I applied for a job teaching this summer. Last week I found out that I've been given three classes and I was thrilled. After today, however, I'm questioning how well this is going to work out. I spent most my day preparing my Spanish class materials. I wrote my syllabus (including agenda and grading scale). I threw in the towel while working on my vocab lists.

I need the money and I really do love teaching, so I'm not about to give up, but seriously... I never dreamed this planning would take me so long! I mean who'd have thought that putting together an agenda and the materials for a class that meets 4 hours a week for 6 weeks would be so difficult? To be fair, I think this is more difficult than a normal high school situation. I've been told here's your class title, teach what you want. No textbook. No objectives. No expectations. The freedom is great, but maybe just a little bit crippling. It's exciting though, and ultimately I'm a nerd so (complaining about the work aside) most of me is loving this.


  1. You'll do fine and you rock so I'm not worried for you at all

  2. Thanks! Can't say I'm not worried, but I sure hope you're right!
