Friday, September 16, 2011

What a roller coaster!!!

This week has been the toughest week yet, but also one of the best... such a roller coaster of emotions!! I guess I have to start with Thursday, where I last left off, slightly confused - but overall feeling pretty good... (I apologize in advance for the length)

Right after that post I went to class and felt really lost. At moments I felt like I'd read something different than everyone else (they probably thought that too). I tried to shake it off and thought I'd been successful. So I settled in for a long weekend of reading and writing.

That brings us to Sunday - first as I was reading I got so frustrated I had to start making some calls back home just so I could get someone to help me understand a section in my advanced feminist theory reading. So frustrating, as I'm used to getting those calls, not making them. Then there was the history department reception. This was such a nice reception (much fancier than anything back home) and everyone is super friendly. So why did I leave feeling incredibly sad and homesick?! I think it boils down to not being home. I couldn't help but think of similar receptions I've been to back home and that of course made me miss the people.

These very minor, simple events sent me into a depressive spiral. I woke up Monday ready to quit and go home (maybe a little melodramatic, but you get the picture - I was very unhappy). I called one of my best friends, who immediately took a lunch break to talk me off my ledge. Sometimes you just have to get in a good cry with someone you know loves you. Thank you (I try never to use names on here,  but you know who you are) love you, miss you!

Anyway besides feeling homesick I've just been feeling incredibly inadequate and well... dumb. I didn't come here with very much confidence, I've had to work to hard with too many voices (some real, some imagined) telling me I wasn't smart enough and didn't belong - and then moving across states to a new place to do something so foreign left me very vulnerable. And these last few weeks have crushed the confidence I had. But my friend (followed up by another amazing friend that evening xoxo) helped me get a bit of that back and reminded me of the other voices that have supported me these last several years. Within that day I had several people let me know they're thinking about and supporting me from afar - couldn't have been better timed or more appreciated. Thanks again!

So Tuesday came and I felt refreshed and a little more confident. I still get butterflies for a good hour or two before class, but class went great - I felt like I had a clue. Wednesday's class went equally well. And I'm starting to feel more comfortable with some of my classmates.

And then Thursday again... yikes that class is going to be the death of me! I just never am asking the right questions and seem to be missing the big points everyone else sees. This makes me very nervous because I have to present on Thursday and I really don't want to suck! I haven't let it freak me out yet and spent a nice day with my boyfriend not thinking about any of it. We did some grocery shopping and watched a movie. I also got to talk to my brother and hear that he's still doing great at school and loving it. Seeing him conquer his fears and very real disabilities (as opposed to my self-imposed fears) gives me motivation to keep pushing. Not to mention he gave me some great advice and is cheering me on as much as I'm cheering him on.

So I realize this is a long blog - sorry about that (for those who actually are reading this thing to the end). I hope it was worth it to get another week of my new life in graduate school!

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